- the average number of days on the market is 49.
- the most expensive residence on the market is 2050 Jamieson Ave #1203.
- the least expensive unit on the market is 2050 Jamieson Ave #1111.
- 2050 Jamieson Ave #1111 is currently listed for $399,900.
- Since the day you listed, what homes have accepted offers, how many days did it take, and what price were they asking?
- Is the price right?
- Is it time to think about changing representation?
Recently Sold At The Jamieson
See more in Recently Sold At The Jamieson
Here are a few reasons residences will sometimes have little activity:- Floor plan — Strange or awkward floorplans may also make a home linger, such as older units where you have to walk through a bedroom to get to a second bedroom,.
- Parking — A difficult driveway or a unit without good parking can be slow to sell.
- First Impression — Let's face it: various residences are not attractive when you first gaze upon them.
- Photos — If your listing has yet to sell, you may want to revisit the photos you’re using to present it on the MLS.